Event Setup - Extra registration information
Event Setup
The Dutch Open is a tournament over 4 days of agility with a final on sunday to determine the champion in each height class.
Competitiors can only compete all 4 days, it's not possible to enter for 1, 2 or 3 days.
Over the four days each competitors can run a total of 9 courses. 5 agility and 4 jumping courses.
More information concerning the Timetable of these 4 days will be coming to the concerning menu-item in the coming weeks, when we have more information on the number of competitors in each height class.
Registration information
There will be one class on the tournament: Open Class divided in the different height classes Small, Medium, Intermediate and Large. In the Open Class Grades 1, 2 and 3 are elegible to enter. However the courses presented are of Grade 3 level, so it is not advised to participate with a Grade 1 dog.
Dutch: Voor Nederlandse deelnemers worden in de open klasse geen wedstrijdpunten, Uitmuntends en/of winpunten toegekend.